Monday, May 7, 2012

Pollen from the combs and into the baskets!

My favorite bee sight so far this spring has been spotting the foraging bees with hind legs loaded down with pollen. This indicates that the workers have found some flowering plants to their liking close by. After returning to the hive, the workers deposit the pollen pellets into the comb and hive bees add bacteria and enzymes from their stomachs to the pellets. These organisms acidify and eventually ferment the pollen, which turns it into bee bread. Pollen provides protein, lipids, vitamins, and minerals that are necessary nutrients for the colony.

Also discovered yesterday that re-wearing pants that you got stung in without washing can lead to re-aggravation of a bee sting :)  My sting from Day 6 had disappeared without a trace.  However, after another day in my weekend jeans, my knee starting itching all over again--I am guessing due to some bee venom lingering in the fabric. No doubt a rookie mistake not to be repeated.

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