Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 26: Removing the frame feeder

Gigantic drone cells at the top of the frame with larvae
 It has been nearly two weeks since I opened up my hive, so I was eager to have a look inside. Since the bees have settled in and there are plenty of flowers out, I removed the feeder and put in an empty frame a few frames from the edge. I was hoping it would be time to put on the second brood box, but it seems that the bees still have a couple of empty frames to fill up first. Perhaps they are still adjusting to their move across the yard.

Liz helped out with the inspection, and neither of us managed to spot the queen. However, there were plenty of small brood, suggesting that she has been laying. We saw a few drone cells near the bottom of several frames--a new sight of the season. Liz did a great job smoking, clearing the bees to prevent crush upon closing the hive, and taking pictures. 

The hive always looks a bit disturbed after the inspection with more bees than usual jamming up both the front and back entrances, but a few hours later all was well.

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